(Main Classroom)


Work toward your Associate, Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate
Degree in Theology or Christian Education

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Click on this line to hear Koine Greek Alphabet pronounced


Registration 5:15-6:20 P.M. August 13th
Each quarter has 12 classes of instruction
Week 13 is testing week

Quarter begins Tuesday Night- Aug.13, 2024
Four courses will be taught.

Galatians 6:30 -7:05 P.M. Dr. Doug Woody
Homiletics 7:10 -7:45 P.M. Dr. Tom Walker
Isaiah I 7:55 -8:30 P.M. Dr. Eric Grindstaff
Counseling Specifics 8:35 -9:10 P.M. Dr. Tom Walker

If you are going to be a new student and would and like
to wait and register on Mar.5th, come early to register
sometime between 5:30 and 6:15 Aug. 16th. Classes will begin at 6:30 P.M.
It will help us if you let us know ahead of time you are coming
because of the need to order textbooks. It is important you register
as early as possible before the new quarter begins, due to textbook availability.

You can register by mail at any time by going toward
the bottom of this page . There you can download
the application form and mail it in to us with your
one time $25.00 application fee.
Prayer time this year will begin at
6:25 P.M. before actual class begins.

Call if you need more information


If you do not have a High School Diploma or GED,
you can audit the courses on campus without doing outside work and
without the purchase of the textbook required for out-of-class work.
When you audit you attend, listen to lectures, but do not have to
turn in homework or take the final exam. Audit cost is $40.00
per course plus the classroom lesson text. College credit
is not given for audit courses.

Tuition cost is $40.00 per course and materials.
Price varies on the textbooks.
Each course lasts for 13 weeks.
Read our student handbook on the College Information Page.

A wife of an on campus enrolled student can attend for half the normal tuition cost.
She can also use her husbands outside text books for her studies.


Application and Policy Statement

Once you download this form and print it out on your computer, just fill out
the information requested and mail to:
Foothills Baptist Bible College
1036 Zion Hill Road
Marion, NC 28681
with $25.00 admission fee.
Your application will be processed as soon as possible.

If you are interesting in applying to the FBBC, the student
handbook and forms can be sent to you by email at your request.


Click on above icon to go to Correspondence Course Page

Simply call 828-442-7015
for more information

Grading Scale
GPA Value
A= 90-100

Lesson review homework due dates are according to
each week's corresponding assignment.

F=60------I=Incomplete----Audit (course not taken for credit)


1.  Each course has its own homework instruction sheet. 
2.  Point deductions will be made on late homework assignments as follows:  20 points off if not
    received by due date.  No assignments will be accepted more than two weeks after the due date.


A student is allowed 3 absences per class each quarter.  If the student misses more than three classes, the student will receive a failing grade for that class.  Students will be required to write a 50-word lesson summary for all classes that are missed.  These summaries must be turned in to the school secretary.


Exams will be given on the 13th week of the quarter.  If you are unable to take your exams on test night,
you must speak to the professor to schedule a make-up date.

     No shorts or tank tops.
     Please do not wear shirts that are unbuttoned below the first or second button.

     No culottes or pants of any kind
     No revealing, low-cut clothing.
     No mini-skirts or short dresses.

Please do not wear any questionable apparel to classes.  By this I mean if there is a question in your mind as to whether you should wear it--please do not!

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.  We are looking forward to a great year at the FBBC..




Click on this line to see school brochure

Click on this line to read Student Handbook for FBBC

Click on this line to see doctrinal statement
in PDF format

Click Here To E-mail Foothills Baptist Bible College

Click on this line to view instructions for writing Thesis



Phone: 828-442-7015